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You Asked, So I'll Answer

I have had several people ask me the same questions, so I figured I would put them in a blog for everyone to see. And if you have more questions, feel free to ask, and I'll add them!

Q: Where do you get your ideas from?

A: I guess just from living. I study people, and I'm in touch with my emotions, so that is what I usually write about.

Q: Do you use an outline?

A: I never have. I start typing, and then the characters sort of take over. I can literally write a book, and when I reread it, I don't remember any of it. HAHA

Q: Are your characters based on real people?

A: The majority of my characters are in large part based on pieces of myself. But I do pull from other experiences. However, I don't usually have a specific person in mind.

Q: If you weren't a writer, what would you do?

A: That is very tough. I mean, I would love to be a chef or a personal trainer. Both are passions of mine, but realistically, I would probably work in human resources or something like that. HAHA.

Q: Are you going to bring back The Looking for Love Series?

A: That is a tough one. I'm thinking about it, but I have so many other books I need to release before I re-release, but I appreciate that series so much. It was my first start in writing, and I hope that I've grown since then and the newer books I put out are in line with that growth.

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