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How Are You, Really?

We have people asking us all the time, "How are you?" But we know that they don't actually want a response. We usually reply with something generic and move on. However, when we are so used to giving these automatic responses, we tend to internalize our emotions and let the stressors eat at us.

There are so many people who suffer from depression and anxiety, and I am one of them, but I have found that being alone can exacerbate those feelings. I love my job, but writing isn't something I can do with others, and I find myself isolated in my thoughts. Normally, that isn't a problem because I write, and it's almost therapeutic for me. But sometimes that isn't enough.

I know we live in a busy world, and it's hard enough to take time for ourselves, let alone give time to others. But I'm pleading with you. Please check on your loved ones. Find out how they are really doing. The happiest and kindest people could be suffering the most.

So, please know this is me asking you, how are you doing?

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