This spring has really flown by, and I'm already looking forward to summer! I have a few trips planned this year. I'll be going to Nashville in a couple of weeks, I'll be in Chicago in June, and Kentucky in July! I can't remember the last time I traveled this much, but I'm ready for it all.
There have been a lot of changes in my life recently, but I'm embracing them and opening myself to new adventures. I truly appreciate all of your continued support and encouragement. It has helped me push through and grow. And I wouldn't be where I am without you.
No One Compares to Her has been included in the second chance category for the I Heart Sapph FIC reading challenge, which started today, May 1. I am going to be doing some giveaways over on their Facebook page, so please pop in and say hi and enter to win. I have also put the book on sale for $1.99 in all marketplaces until May 5th.
Also, the audiobook for Falling Blindly has been getting such wonderful feedback, and it's up for Book of the Month Poll on the I Heart SapphFIC website. The voting is open until the end of May, and you're allowed to vote daily. Feel free to check out all the categories and pick your favorites!
Another exciting thing happening this month is the release of my next book, Fashioning a Star. This is a standalone romantic comedy that deals with change, growth, and new adventures--a lot like my life. HAHA. It is available for pre-order now, and I hope you enjoy this sort of enemies-to-lovers story that, of course, has a happy ending.

I hope you have a lot of fun on your vacations. Be safe when you are traveling. I am super excited about all your new books.
Enjoy your travels! So many exciting things happening. And so excited for your new book ☺️