My latest book, Chasing Life, is released today and is the perfect January sapphic romance!
As always, the main characters are strong, relatable women doing their best to grow and experience a happy life.
Like all of us, they experience obstacles along the way, but as the saying goes, you can let a situation make you or break you!
Often, our response to adversity is shaped by the level of positive support from those around us. When writing sapphic fiction, I'm very aware that not everybody has good support, so if my stories and characters can inspire others to keep going, my job is done.
I hope you enjoy Chasing Life and Jessie's story of finding love. It has comedy, romance, and intimacy, all wrapped up in profoundly moving scenes.
I can't wait to hear your feedback, and I look forward to connecting with you across my socials.
It can be a quiet month for many, but with books to read and friends to talk to, better days and warmer weather will soon be here.